
From Disability to Diversity
College Success for Students with Learning Disabilities, ADHD, and Autism Spectrum Disorder

Colleges and universities are seeing increasing numbers of students with a range of disabilities enrolling in postsecondary education. Many of these disabilities are invisible and, despite their potential for negative impact on students’ academic and social adjustment, some students will choose not to identify as having a disability or request support.

Approaching disability from the perspective of difference, the authors of this new volume offer guidance on creating more inclusive learning environments on campus so that all students—whether or not they have a recognized disability—have the opportunity to succeed. Strategies for supporting students with specific learning disabilities, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder or who display learning and behavioral characteristics associated with these profiles are described. A valuable resource for instructors, advisors, academic support personnel, and others who work directly with college students.

Paperback: 9781942072294 / $30.00

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: 9781942072300 / $30.00
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Library E-Books

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These aggregators offer a variety of plans to libraries, such as simultaneous access by multiple library patrons, and access to portions of titles at a fraction of list price under what is commonly referred to as a "patron-driven demand" model.

: 9781942072317 / $125.00
A Guide for Families of Commuter Students
Supporting Your Student's Success

Published in partnership with NODA, the Association for Orientation, Transition, and Retention in Higher Education

Family members of new college students are often unsure what to expect and how to best help their students succeed in higher education. Focusing on the unique needs of commuter students, this brief guide describes typical challenges in adjusting to college, support services and opportunities offered by colleges and universities, and strategies family members can use to encourage student learning and success. A glossary of college terms is included.

$4.50 each when purchased in multiple copy pack of 100.

Paperback: 9781942072119 / $6.00
Multiple copy pack: 9781889271842 / $450.00

E-books are now distributed via RedShelf or VitalSource

You will choose the vendor in the cart as part of the check out process. These vendors offer a more seamless way to access the ebook, and add some great new features including text-to-voice. You own your ebook for life, it is simply hosted on the vendors website, working much like Kindle and Nook. Click here to see more detailed information on this process.

: 9781942072492 / $6.00
Fulfilling the Promise of the Community College
Increasing First-Year Student Engagement and Success

Published in partnership with the American Association of Community Colleges

For the past three decades, American higher education has paid increasing attention to the beginning college experience -- to ensuring that entering students make a successful transition to college. Yet, much of the extant research and practice literature focuses on the experience of first-year students entering four-year colleges and universities. Fulfilling the Promise of the Community College is one of the first volumes to take a comprehensive look at the first-year experience in the community college, examining the unique characteristics of these institutions and the students they serve, barriers to success, and strategies for ensuring that students achieve their higher education goals. Authors describe successful adaptations of faculty development initiatives, first-year seminars, common reading programs, academic and career advising, learning communities, and STEM initiatives in the community college setting.

Paperback: 9781889271743 / $5.00