The First-Year Experience Monograph Series Series

Fulfilling the Promise of the Community College

Increasing First-Year Student Engagement and Success
Paperback: 9781889271743 / $5.00
Published: May 2011

212 pp., 8.5" x 11"
Language: English

Published in partnership with the American Association of Community Colleges

For the past three decades, American higher education has paid increasing attention to the beginning college experience -- to ensuring that entering students make a successful transition to college. Yet, much of the extant research and practice literature focuses on the experience of first-year students entering four-year colleges and universities. Fulfilling the Promise of the Community College is one of the first volumes to take a comprehensive look at the first-year experience in the community college, examining the unique characteristics of these institutions and the students they serve, barriers to success, and strategies for ensuring that students achieve their higher education goals. Authors describe successful adaptations of faculty development initiatives, first-year seminars, common reading programs, academic and career advising, learning communities, and STEM initiatives in the community college setting.

Table of Contents:

Tables and Figures
Foreword—Jennifer R. Keup
Introduction—Thomas Brown, Margaret C. King, and Patricia Stanley

PART I: The American Community College and Its Students
Chapter 1 The American Community College: From Access to Success—George R. Boggs
Chapter 2 Understanding Entering Community College Students: Learning From Student Voices —Kay McClenney
Chapter 3 Enhancing First-Year Success in the Community College: What Works in Student Retention—Wesley R. Habley

PART II: Supporting Student Success in the Community College
Chapter 4 Reframing At-Risk to High-Potential: Supporting the Achievement and Success of Underprepared Students in the Critical First Year of College—Thomas Brown and Mario Rivas
Chapter 5 Developing and Engaging Educators to Support First-Year Student Success—Thomas Brown and Christine Johnson McPhail
Chapter 6 Creating Effective Transfer Initiatives—Thomas J. Grites and Susan Rondeau

PART III: A Comprehensive First-Year Experience in the Community College
Chapter 7 Building Paths to Student Success: Planning and Implementing for Effective Student Transition—Betsy O. Barefoot, Paul Arcario, and Ana Guzman
Chapter 8 Academic Advising Models to Support First-Year Student Success—Margaret C. King and Rusty N. Fox
Chapter 9 Career Development: An Essential Component of First-Year Experiences and Student Transitions—Patricia Stanley
Chapter 10 Learning Communities and Community Colleges: The Challenges and Benefits—Randy Jedele with Vincent Tinto
Chapter 11 Increasing Access and Success for First-Year Students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math—Kim Armstrong
Chapter 12 Fulfilling the Promise: Summary and Recommendations—Thomas Brown, Margaret C. King, and Patricia Stanley

About the Contributors

Reviews & Endorsements:

“Whether the reader’s goal is developing an understanding of the community college student, establishing resources and services, creating program curriculum, implementing assessment plans, or investigating possible improvements to student engagement and success programming, this book provides suggestions and guidelines.”

- NACADA Journal