Research Reports on College Transitions Series

Investigating Sophomore Student Success

The National Survey of Sophomore-Year Initiatives and the Sophomore Experiences Survey, 2014
Paperback: 9781889271958 / $25.00
Published: November 2015

124 pp., 8.5" x 11"
Language: English

Less is known about the second college year compared to other transition points, and fewer high-impact initiatives and curricular programs tend to be offered to sophomores. To increase our knowledge of this important, but sometimes neglected, year on the collegiate journey, The National Survey of Sophomore-Year Initiatives and the Sophomore Experiences Survey was undertaken. Researchers explored sophomore student characteristics, institutional efforts to support sophomores, and student perceptions of their learning and development. Divided into three sections, the report offers an overview of each survey instrument and an integrated discussion of findings and their implications for practice and ongoing research. The research report provides useful tools for institutions looking for benchmarks to create new sophomore-year programs or restructure existing initiatives.

Table of Contents:


National Survey of Sophomore-Year Initiatives: Institutional Environments

Sophomore Experiences Survey: Student Inputs and Outcomes


Appendix A: Survey Instrument: 2014 National Survey of Sophomore-Year Initiatives

Appendix B: List of Institutions Participating in the 2014 National Survey of Sophomore-Year Initiatives and Sophomore Experiences Survey

Appendix C: Response Frequencies From the 2014 National Survey of Sophomore-Year

Appendix D: Survey Instrument: Sophomore Experiences Survey

Appendix E: National Norms for the Sophomore Experiences Survey


About the Authors
